Saturday 24 March 2012

The Road to Louisville

My colleague Stacie Kiefer (Queen's University) and I left for Louisville this morning at 6:00 A.M, headed for the ACPA conference in Louisville, Kentucky.  Although flying would likely be the preferred choice by all, it wasn't for the two of us! After a necessary stop at Tim Horton's, the great ACPA road trip adventure began! Highlights included great stories, the infamous Cracker Barrel lunch break, lots of lilac bushes, a variety of animal sightings (cows, deer, raccoon's & even a wolf!), along with many other interesting sights along the way! After conquering the Hills of Kentucky, we arrived in Louisville 10 hours later -phew! Looking forward to what will likely be a great conference!

Bridge into Louisville, Kentucky 
Louisville, Kentucky
 I took this photo as it reminded me of a scene from one of my favourite TV shows!  Although, this is definitely not Atlanta, It's Louisville of course!
Louisville Slugger Field
 Hope of the Louisville Slugger! I am hopeful I will be able to locate a great new bat to help out the team this year!
Bridge to Indiana

Room with a View!

The Lilac's are in Bloom in Kentucky!
The lilac's (I assume this is what they are) were in full bloom from Ohio all the way through the hills of Kentucky!  Spring has definitely sprung in the U.S.A!

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